Love and the Multiverse
Love and the Multiverse
The Most Spiritual Thing We Can Do Is Be Human with Molly Jane

The Most Spiritual Thing We Can Do Is Be Human with Molly Jane

A Lineage of Guilt: Part Two

One morning I order banana pancakes at an oasis of a cafe full of tourists. Across from me, sitting cross-legged on a bench full of cushions, in front of a wall painted with green vines and pink flowers, a woman, in a sweater emblazoned with the word YOGA—except the O is a heart, speaks loudly into her phone, consoling a friend distraught by the state of the world. 

“I promise you,” she tells her friend. “Things are getting better. The world is changing. It’s hard right now—people are reacting to that change. White American men are still getting used to no longer being in the golden era where they were kings.” 

I stifle my reaction and turn down my stare. Aren’t they still kings? Men? White people? Americans? Me?

Seriously, I think to myself. How can you come to a place like this and believe that the power dynamics in the world are changing quickly enough to be hopeful? 

In Antigua, Guatemala, just down the road and around the block from The Snug, is a locally owned brunch and lunch oasis called Unión Cafe & Juice. This is where I met Molly Jane.

Just before Molly and her brother, Sam, asked if they could sit down next to me, I eavesdropped on Y♥️GA sweater’s conversation, thinking my political thoughts and finding it difficult to enjoy traveling without feeling guilt.

I’ve been open with Molly, since we met, about my judgements of her commitment to freedom, play, and the light. When I left for Guatemala, it was in part to heal from the frontline and political work I’d taken on over the last few years. Meeting someone like Molly, who is just so exuberant and full of joy, helped trigger that healing to the surface.

For some time I have struggled with giving myself permission to let go of guilt, sin ideology, and the martyrdom impulse. All of those frames have been instrumental to my growth and have informed my worldview, but, as I remember who I am and what I’m here for, I’m finding the clarity and discipline I need to focus on my unique purpose, beyond the frames handed to me.

My friendship with Molly has helped me release some of the seriousness, leading me to deeper layers of myself where I can more fully access joy, creativity, and play. I am so grateful to her for sharing her light and so pleased to share time and ideas with her in today’s podcast episode.

Molly and I discuss the current swirling of energies: portals and vortexes and vortals (oh my!), the electricity of certain grids and the Guatemala - Venice Beach connection, Molly’s work as an Oracle and community leader, going to the edges of our psyche, accepting the choices we make, and the goal for our time on Earth… being human!

Tune in above, below, or find us anywhere you get your podcasts by searching “Climate Change in the Multiverse”

Thanks for being here! Have a beautiful day.

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The view from Volcán Pacaya

No! More! Energetic! Liabilities! Podcast Transcript

Kelly Tatham 0:00

Recording take two over here. Wow. Okay. Hi, everyone. Thanks for being here. Welcome to another episode of climate change in the multiverse. I am here with Miss Molly Jane, the one and only thank you for being here, Molly's an Oracle. She's an alien and an angel and just light embodied. I'm so grateful to know you. Thank you for being here.

Molly Jane 0:26

Thank you for having me. I'm so excited. Any chance that I can get just to talk about any sort of weird stuff, I'm here for it.

Kelly Tatham 0:33

Yes, yes. Let's dig in. So before we catch up, I want to make a note of the energy that's been going on lately. I heard you describe it recently. You were saying like it's a portal but portal is not the right word. And I've been calling like, it slipped out of my mouth a couple of months ago. It was like Vortal. I was like vortex portal, which one is it? And I'm like, it's both.

Molly Jane 0:54

Wow, that's cool. A vortal. I love the human language and how limited we are in being able to explain the thing that are really going on and even then like "vortal" that's just like something it feels okay to our brain to say that because it's also not quite right but it's still unique to our brain and it doesn't represent anything it doesn't have any like attachments to that word already. So that feels the best on my system when you see them. But even then still, it's not the right way. Like it was a limit that kills me. Okay, so should we talk about the energies at the moment?

Kelly Tatham 1:37

Yeah, tell me what you're feeling.

Molly Jane 1:39

Okay, so basically God is so like, where do we begin? Okay, so what we'll do, let's let's timestamp, the energies of where we're at right now, at the moment. So we've got a full moon that's coming up tomorrow, I'm pretty sure. We're also in something that you may see in the social media world called the Lionsgate portal. And so this is, this is where I do probably have some things to work through because I have some resistance in like saying like the Lionsgate portal like I don't like because again, it feels limited to me, it doesn't feel 100% authentic in the way that we are trying to describe what it truly is. So maybe that's where my resistance comes from. I'm learning something new about myself already. We're one minute in. So what is the way I Okay, so first of all, I'm an Oracle and I have the ability to for people who are just wondering, I have the ability to -- what I've been saying lately is translate, I'm exceptionally good at translating the language of energy in all dimensions. So I can kind of get to a certain state and then I can translate the energy because sometimes words are limited. So based on that, what I have seen when I've looked at the Lionsgate portal, is there's this very thin layer in the atmosphere that seems to be integrating more light into Earth's surface. And its on brand of what is happening to the planet and this big shift that we're going through and you know, if we zoom out a little bit further than that you know we've all heard we're going from 3D to 5D and all of that as well, bullshit. Right, whatever, whatever, words are limited but what is happening from my perspective and from what I've seen is more light is being integrated onto the Planet which in turn flushes out density to bring the earth to a higher frequency right and when I say higher frequency, I don't necessarily mean better or worse, I literally just mean faster. It's a faster frequency, a higher frequency is a faster frequency. A lower frequency is a slower frequency. And when something slower, there's more density. There's more mass. Like, there's more of this. Whereas if something's a little bit higher, there's less density, which means we're operating like faster and more lighter. And yes, that in human terms is a little bit more positive, so to speak. But that's kind of what's happening overall. So then we have these little portals or whatever, where they integrate more light at that time during the year. And that's what's happening with the Lionsgate portal at the moment. So what people might be feeling is their own internal shifts were, you know, it might have been like a week or a couple of weeks ago, they felt like they were in a pressure cooker, where everything all this density was just like coming up to the surface. And, you know, it could be personal. But you also may have been feeling the Collective's energy as well, like it's not. It's not just our things, but our human brain likes to attach meaning to why we're feeling a certain way. So with this pressure for good vibes, it's almost like it was all coming up as all coming up. It's all coming up. And then I don't know about you, but the last two days, I've just had a shift. And I've just been like -- wooooh!

Kelly Tatham 5:24

Yes. Have you? Oh my gosh, the past week has felt like I'm in the center of a tornado. And it's like moving around. There's all this but I'm like kind of in the center and I'm stable because I'm in the center, but I'm shifting with it. And it's like I don't know where it's going or I do but it's like it feels like a falling into place. Like I feel like it's been a trust fall. And that like my priorities have shifted. And I'm just seeing like I'm like -- this energy has been building up for about a month for me like of like I can only focus on what I need, what I can what's, what's in front of me what's most important and the things that like everything else just kind of falls by the wayside. I'm like, Oh, it's just one piece at a time and I have to get, this is where the energy needs to go and like so many things are just kind of sliding away and it's like, Whoa, it's so freeing.

Molly Jane 6:16

So freeing, and I think, yeah, I think that's a similar vibe. I think I said to you right before we started on like, I have to just get rid of all energetic liabilities. And it's a bit more black and white now like it's just like I can't like it's not selfish it's actually self love to just know what's pulling you out of alignment and what's not but like you know what pulling you out of your your most centered, stable, peaceful state, you know, and just deciding whether it's really worth staying in your life or not? Hmm,

Kelly Tatham 6:51

yes, I was thinking about that and think like, because with one area of my life, I'm taking baby steps out of something. I've been just up against this work thing and being like, what do I do with this work thing? Do I? What capacity so I continue it at? What what effort do I put into it? What resources am I being given an exchange for this work? And I felt like, I'm like, There's one impulse "cut and run" like baahhh, burn bridges, you know, and I'm like, It's not that and then the other impulse was like, "we'll just do everything for free and sacrifice yourself." And you know, and neither of those are correct. So I've been trying to find this middle path. And like, it's so I haven't known what that looked like. So I was just taking a step forward. And in my mind, I was like, Well, you have to have the solution. You have to know exactly what you're doing. I'm like, no, no, no, no, I know I want to walk the middle path and I know I need to take a step forward and it's a building block and I'll reassess as I go. But the energy is just been so clear. Like there's just like walls when I go to somewhere that it's not meant to be anymore. It's just like, oof. And because I've been living in a way that allows myself to be free like you and I both have experienced living home free quite extensively as how we met through our travels and just throwing yourself to the wind and not necessarily knowing we're going to be next week or even tomorrow night and just receiving the invitations this feeling of the energy it's just like, whoa and it's all shifting too but it's just like Yes. Oh, this and then like, it's this little kind of energetic puzzle of just like feeling it all out.

Molly Jane 8:19

Right, and this is something that I always think about to were quite privileged to be able to be in a situation to do that so, you know sometimes like I'm always like you know, just follow the flow and do do this and do that and unlike a lot of people who I talked to can't actually do that But then I don't know Like you We all do have a choice to try and set up our way our life in a way where it can be more free in order to support our impulses like that, I guess. So, you know, I guess I just want to say props to you for putting yourself in a really uncomfortable situation, to be able to live that freely and be able to live in a space where you can trust your impulses enough like that, because that does take bravery. It does. It's not all bloody rainbows and unicorns, like it's just not. Everyone's like, oh, you're living the best life. And I'm like, sometimes it's fucked, but it's also fun.

Kelly Tatham 9:22

It's hard It takes does take a lot of practice, like a couple years ago, you know, I'd be crying like you know, my bank account's down to zero. I don't know where the next money's coming in. I don't know where I'm sleeping like but then I just I kept being shown like that I'm supported in community and that when I take the step forward, like I just trust like the Terence McKenna quote like when you the universe is a Featherbed. I forget the exact quote, but it's just like when you that's the secret - the key - the shamanic dance under the waterfall is like When you leap into the abyss and find out it's a featherbed.

Molly Jane 9:55

Right. Aand do you know what? That kind of makes me think about I feel like the concept in the paradigm around abundance is shifting and every like every paradigm shifting at the moment but abundance especially our human brains are conditioned to be like oh my god I need to have an Need to have like you know enough there were for the next 17 months and blah blah blah already if I don't like I'm gonna have a heart attack when really we've been living in this space where we have been shot I'm constantly that even though sometimes we might get down to the wire, we're always granted with enough. It's our expectation that more the trip us up really that is the definition of abundance. Just knowing that it's we're always supported, we're always safe. And it might not look like the way that we had it planned to look like in our head. But our resources are always there. It's like, I don't know, I'm gonna get this story wrong. I'm gonna get this story wrong when I'm gonna have a crack all right. I'm going to have a crack. So it's like that saying, how there was this guy on an island, right? And he was stranded, he had nothing. And then he was praying to God, he was like, Please, God, come and save me. God's gonna come and save me. And then a boat comes past and they were like, Hey, Come jump on the boat. And he was like, Nah, not not so good. God's gonna come and save me. And then a helicopter comes past and they were like, yeah, come in. It's like, man, that's all good. God's coming to save me. He's gonna bring me everything I need. Like, it's all good. And then like, the third thing came past I can't remember what it was. But we'll call it a drone. Probably wasn't a drone, but we'll call it a drone. And they were like, What do you need? And he's like, no, no, all good. And then God comes along. Because like, what are you doing, bro? This is not quote for quote, by the way. And the guy was like, Aw you're here, and God's like, I sent you a boat. I sent you a helicopter. And I sent you the drone. Like, why aren't you accepting help in those forms? He's like, Ah, I thought you were gonna bring everything. So you get the gist? It's always we always have enough. It might not look like the way we thought it was gonna look like --

Kelly Tatham 12:04

Totally. It's totally the ego going like what's next? What does the future hold? Like the ego can't live in the present. It's always fixating on the past or the future and like, because we need, Well, the abundance within this capitalist paradigm has just trapped us in this fear. This fear cycle because we do need money to survive, you know, and the cost of living is rising and a lot. Everyone's feeling that tension, even if it's just in the collective like your point earlier is well taken. That's something I'm always reminding myself when I feel anxiety and like is this minor is it collective and like of course it's both but like you talk a lot about energetic clearing and being aware of your auric space around you because like there's all these things coming in there's just so much like even if it's just the sound outside your window of construction or like the thing that you scrolled through like we're always imprinting and mingling with these other energies and they affect us in ways that we don't understand.

Molly Jane 13:07

100 percent. It's so important. And that was one of the real like first things I guess that I understood, How important it is to have a clear energetic field. A clear extension of our energetic field. So our space that we're living in, you know if you go to hotels. This is us in our gypsy life, we're going into a hotel and if I don't like cleanse the space with either sound or smoke or whatever, all the people who have slept in the bed before me, I'm just like sleeping in all their energetic shit. Ew! You know, energetic hygiene is so important. Like, and I've told stories before, like, and we've all had stories like this, where you go to the supermarket or whatever, and you come back and you just feel like shit, or you hang out with someone and you're so drained afterwards or whatever. And that's evidence in itself enough. You know, that's just the tip of the iceberg evidence that energetically we are imprinted with things that aren't ours. So imagine what we don't know. It's so important to cleanse your energy.

Kelly Tatham 14:13

Hmm. And so we can have the clarity to know what we're feeling like talking about what's next and stepping into things because the world is shifting so dramatically, and perhaps people like you and I feel it in a certain dynamic because we're in constant movement and adapting, there could be more of a flow there. But for all of us, we're learning into following the energy. And as you're speaking, it made me think of the like muscle testing and the lean tests like because for me, accessing my intuition and knowing what's correct, for me has been a struggle over the years like, I've done a lot of work with Tarot, and then astrology and like talking to intuitive readers and felt like I kept outsourcing my knowing and even something like a muscle test. I'm like, Ah, can I even trust that? But now like, you know, you can kind of push any tool, like you can keep pulling the taro until you get something different, you know, but like, it's gonna you know, if you're, if you're abusing these things, they're not going to work with you. But yeah, just having a clear energetic flow and like the muscle test for people who are listening like you just put your pointer finger and your thumb together and you pull your other pointer finger through it and say, like, you know, my name is Kelly. And I see the fingers stay together, or like my name is Bob and then it goes through.

Molly Jane 15:36

Ah! Because your name is not Bob.

Kelly Tatham 15:39

You know, it's like it's in my highest and best good to go to the island today. Oh, Oh, so I'm like, I'm like, where am I going tonight? Where am I staying tomorrow? This is currently where I am. Apparently it is. But that's where I don't know because there's like there's so many subtleties, but the lean test is another one where you're standing up and you just kind of like lean forward a bit and you say something like, oh, I want to go to that, like it's in my best interest to go to this movie tonight. Like, do you does the energy fall forward? Is there flow or is there a block?

Molly Jane 16:05

Yeah, you interesting it's all so interesting it's all -- and I think I was saying this on my live yesterday, how truth is so, it's not black and white anymore it's like what is true for someone, for you, for me like whatever it's not just like black and white any more it's got this depth to it now and almost kind of like, Yes there's facts but if we dig deep enough like you could almost find like a little bit of truth to anything. So when we say like for intuition, right, and muscle testing, yes our body might be saying, you know, should I go to work today? and it's like well my body says I shouldn't go to work today but then like there's the truth to that is it like you don't go to work, you're probably gonna get fired and You know there might be like something else in there? So it's like, you've got to use you got to always kind of be in this balance place where you can weigh up the pros and cons of you know, what is actually intuition, what you can follow to, you know, what you maybe can just ignore but then it's so like it's so hard like we're being such a Gemini and Virgo right now. Gemini and Virgo right now, Mercury lead signs, I'm just like, there's truth to everything, blah, blah, blah. But like, seriously, there, it's crazy, I could go insane if I wanted to.

Kelly Tatham 17:36

I go insane all the time. Like, you know, I'm also a Gemini rising. So like, it's just like, I'm just like baaah, and like, you know, I mean, like, what is truth in a multiverse? Right? You know, we have this this mythology that there's a set reality out there that exists outside of us. And that's just not true. We're all existing from our little point of positionality. And we all see like, our little world, you know, but it's like it's infinite out there. And truth is like, truth. I do believe there are these like, root truths in terms of energetic dynamics and like polarities and like, constructs of duality. But in terms of interpersonal truth, like, you know, my personal experience, and yeah, the like, is it in my highest and best interest to go to work today? It's like, well, you're, you're using your body as a tool to see what you're resonating at, you know, but it's not like, there's no yes or no, or black or white. There's so many complexities at play, as you said, like, you know, we have to survive in this world. But sometimes we have to show up and take risks and do things differently. And like, what does that look like? And where do I go? And then yeah, our little Mercury minds explode.

Molly Jane 18:40

So it's interesting, because then maybe, like, the answer is that, you know, and I think I have said this before, just like pick something and go with it. Like, you know, our attachment to holding on to the right or wrong answer is the thing that trips us up, like, just like, Should we all just be like, going with it and flowing with it and making the best of whatever the situation is that comes up like, you know, it's your brain that's like, if I had to pick this, then maybe this would have happened and blah, blah, blah, but it's like, we don't really know. So we just have to kind of make the most of where we're at.

Kelly Tatham 19:19

Well, you said this month or so ago and it just just sunk so deeply for me was that like, you just have to accept the choice you've made like there's no wrong choice, because I still grapple with a lot of sort of sin ideology, like I'm bad or I'm wrong if I do X, Y, or Z, you know, whether it's I'm not working hard enough, or if I drink some alcohol, you know, there's all sorts of different ways in which I can beat myself up for not being good enough because I'm not seeing the like, quote, unquote, manifested reality that capitalism told me, but but when you said that it was just like, right, it's just about like resonating with what is and I was sitting with that and it was hitting me and then a couple days later I was with a friend in Portland and And I was like oh I want to get this beer and then I was like oh no I shouldn't or you know or whatever and she was just like, Do What That Wilt. And like, that's Crowley, Aleister Crowley, it's like, Do As Thou Wilt, That Shall Be The Whole of the Law. You know, like, that's it, just do it and like, embrace that you're doing it and don't judge yourself for doing it. And like, if you're going to do, do it, and set yourself free.

Molly Jane 20:25

This is a big one. And it's funny, because before any podcast I do, I always pick a tarot card of what the thing's gonna be. And I got the Five of Wands, but it was fighting with yourself. And this, it's this very topic of what's right, what's wrong, I should do this, I shouldn't do this. And I feel like I have done a lot of work around this. And I worked with a couple of mentors when my powers or whatever was starting to let come through. And they did a lot of psyche work on me going to really, really dark places in my psyche. Like the most ugliest, there's a helicopter out there. I don't know if you can hear it. It's just like, circling at the wind at my window, basically. So as long as you can still hear me. So yeah, this work and it was like going to different places in my psyche and stretching my psyche to places where my brain hasn't taken me before. So you know, me imagining me being violent imagining me being like, just feral, me going into the middle of like, a really busy place and just acting like an animal like just doing random things that this Molly would never do in real human 3D life but stretching my psyche to go there. And then what it did is it made me, this me, more accepting of the dirtier or the uglier parts, because my psyche had already been stretched to go there if that makes sense. Yeah, and I felt like that really helped. It's like just, you know, doing the opposite of what this body thought I needed to do and meditating on me doing like just the most fucked up shit. But it worked and I know I'm never gonna do it in this life because like my soul blueprint, I just could never do something like that but if I stretched my psyche to go there, then all of a sudden me saying no to somebody and putting a boundary in place was it a walk in the park, you know.

Kelly Tatham 20:25

We've been to the depths, like this is nothing --

Molly Jane 22:41

Yeah, I'm like we've gone to the depths, you know, my mind has gone to places your mind will never go. And now just pulling myself back into like basic, like, who cares -- acceptance of me. Acceptance of this like, and I just think it's so important, that's the most freeing thing. Like to be able to just be free and not have to worry about opinions and people worrying about, you know what you're doing, and then worrying about who you are, and blah blah blah, because if you know who you are, and you accept who you are, then it just does not matter what the world thinks. It just doesn't.

Kelly Tatham 23:21

Absolutely, absolutely. And you came to your gifts out of a dark place.

Molly Jane 23:27


Kelly Tatham 23:27

Right. Yeah. Would you tell us a little bit about that? Because that's what's coming up for me when you're talking about going there in the psyche and like, not only did you voluntarily go there, you also found yourself in a place where maybe you didn't feel like you had that autonomy or sovereignty to be free, but then it like triggered this deeper layer of exploration.

Molly Jane 23:50

So, yeah, I was in a relationship for 14 years. And 10 of that were pretty good. Pretty good, right? But then the truth is started to come undone. And there was a lot of layers there. But basically, towards the end of the relationship, I didn't realize how controlled or manipulated I was because I was a child when we got together. And he was my god, essentially, like I just whatever he said, was truth and Bible. And, you know, I had the best dad in the world. So I genuinely thought that all masculine men were just like my dad. So when I blindly went headfirst into a relationship at the age of 17, I just expected him to be like my dad. And it wasn't. And this 14 year period, it was just a constructive lie. There was abuse, manipulation, just like just so much, so so much. And then once we kind of got to the end, he, you'll think this is funny -- he's a triple Taurus. So he was very possessive, ownership. And it took me a lot to get away. It took me a lot to get away. So there were times, you know, look, I won't go into full details, because I don't feel like it's really necessary. But it does feel like this period, it was like a good three to four years of me really trying to get away. And I was so controlled and squashed and, like, he wouldn't sign the divorce papers. I had to physically like a couple of times, I'd get back to the house and have to leave in the middle of the night with an overnight bag, left everything at the house. There was times, you know, I would be in Airbnbs or hotels just so dark because I wasn't allowed to tell anyone what was going on. He would threaten to do things to me. And yeah, so it was just, I was in a prison. I was in a mental prison. I was in a physical prison. And as a result of that, in the depths, I had no choice but to start looking at aspects of myself. Of how I had got myself into a situation like this in the first place. Like it was the biggest ego death I've ever been through because my whole world everything that I looked at and no longer looked the same. And I just had to just reconstruct this whole new world my whole identity again, but then also make sure that I was clearing a lot of this trauma from my vessel because I didn't want to go into other relationships and poison people and I didn't want to be better either as well. I didn't want this to just ruin me. I didn't want this to ruin me and it very well could have. So as a result of that, it ended up being the biggest gift ever. Because once I started to pull all of this stuff away, and like clear this vessel, I was like, Wow. I wasn't given myself credit for how big I could be, you know. I was in a relationship with this 6'4 steroid monster and I was this little 5'3 just like, "Whatever you want." He was keeping me small physically and mentally and when I got to break away from that, finally I was like I'm so much bigger than him. And it feels good -- it felt good. So what I got to do was like really feel into my edges. Like really feel into my edges and this is what I live by now and this is why I say it's the biggest gift of all because, you know, we could have been soulmates -- well we were soulmates, right. We chose this before we came. He volunteered as tribute to come and be the biggest dog -- and that's a compliment -- on the planet to, you know, just drill me into the ground, break me to pieces because he knew how strong my soul would be and I would come back from it. And as a result if I did, I was going to go to all the edges of me and I was going to make sure everyone else was gonna go to all the edges of them as a result of that. So I'd do it all again.

Kelly Tatham 28:35

Wow. Mmm, thank you for that, but and just the feeling of going to the edge is like YES. Oh, it's the insecurity and the lack of confidence, like, just to me has been such a just a strong, like, I don't know, I feel like a lasso around you where you're like, Am I sure? Is this really who? Am I okay? We're so -- there's so much that's put on us and so much that we put on ourselves that keeps us small when we're all here to be 10 feet tall!

Molly Jane 29:11

Yes, we are, we are and that's all I want, that's genuinely all I want for people is to feel that freedom and to go to the edges of who they are. Because I really do believe that everyone at their core isn't bad. No, I really do believe that. And I do see the best in everyone. And, you know, it's just some little factors that might get put in play, like, you know, contracts, ancestral history, like whatever, right? That make all of that. But I feel like most people genuinely at the core aren't that bad. So this is why I'm such a, you know, I'm talking about this, and I want to get everyone to get their energy, right. And all of this because I know if they just make a couple of little little tweaks here and there, they can clear away and then all of a sudden, the essence of their soul starts to seep through again. And they're like, Oh, I remember. And then the more you remember, the more you start to like, just like be okay, you melt into the okayness of view, and then it just doesn't matter what the world saying anymore. And that's freedom.

Kelly Tatham 30:23

Mmhmm. And this light, you know, talking coming back to the portal, the vortal, this energy that's coming through, like removing the density, that's helping people get them and wanted to say with the word portal, I think like, and I love your resistance to words. You know, they're boundaried. And they're these containers, these boxes, and we all have our own different relationship with the box. And portal to me feels like something that has a beginning, a middle and an end. Like it's linear, like a portal is like something that you step through.

Molly Jane 31:07


Kelly Tatham 31:08

And in a sense, like, that is a metaphor for for what's happening. But like, I feel like it's so not linear, and if there was a linearity to it, it would be about depth or a deepening or removal of labor layers instead of a stepping through something --

Molly Jane 31:29

100%. 100%. And even as you're saying that I can see like all these white flashes of light, it's like I could see the earth actually getting thinner as we're talking. And it's depth. It's what you're saying, it looks like depth. It's like they were just showing me the visual representation of what you were saying. And it was -- it was depth. It was like this. But it went round as well. It wasn't just like, Ooh, I'm stepping through. But our humans have to limit the The Everything because we can't understand it otherwise. And it's tough.

Kelly Tatham 32:11

We couldn't live a human experience if we were taking in all that information. Like I don't think like you know, I think you say everything -- I'm like everything everywhere all at once that's the multiverse, right? And it is everything everywhere is all at once, like, it's the no-thing, it's the divine consciousness, like, we're all just emerging out of it but we emerge in these bodies, in the experience of duality. Because we're in a body there is separation.

Molly Jane 32:35

Yes. Yes. Oh my god, like, there's so many ways my brain can go with this. It's just like, where do you stop? This is why I went so crazy for a while there that I had to learn how to be a human again and now it's my number one priority. Like number one -- and this is why it's funny coming to LA, right. Like everyone's all, you know which is fine we've all been there, like woo woo Topanga and bla bla and it's great, it's awesome. It's awesome. I love that people are like this. But it's like, you kind of have to come back full circle and remember that we're humans, having a human experience, and that's the most important spiritual thing of all. Not doing psychedelics every weekend and bypassing and going to do an Ayahuasca ceremony. Not doing all of that. The most spiritual thing that you can do is show up as a human and dance this motherfucking dance. That's tough. It's not meant to be easy. It's not meant to be easy but that's the point of it. Like, this beautiful contrast that we get to experience on this planet is the soul stretching that's good going to, you know, collect the data for you know the aliens or whatever like WHATEVER it is. No one knows. No one knows.

Kelly Tatham 34:05

Like, consciousness is here to meet itself and it needs to meet itself at every little angle and in every little way and it's like all these different expressions --

Molly Jane 34:13

Excatly. It's funny, you say everything everywhere all at once -- I'm like this all matters but it also doesn't. So make sure you're having fun. Make sure you're getting up every day and you're enjoying your coffee. And you're having a dance in the kitchen. And you know, last night, it was midnight, I had a burst of energy I was I'm like, I'm not gonna waste this. I was eating a choc chip cookie, chocolate chip cookie. And I was like, Well, it seems like the perfect time to learn the choreography to Baby One More Time by Britney Spears, and genuinely planet, and I'm so good at it.

Kelly Tatham 34:53

That's amazing. You got the braids and everything. You're all set up to

Molly Jane 34:59

I know, like, I really, I'm going to show you I'm going to do a video.

Kelly Tatham 35:03

Yes, please.

Molly Jane 35:07

But that's what I'm saying, like, we may as well have fun, you know, otherwise we just we lose ourselves in trying to gain all this knowledge and information when really we're just going to be chasing our tail.

Kelly Tatham 35:20

Yeah, knowledge is ultimately shadow shallow waters, isn't it?

Molly Jane 35:23

But it's also, that's the non black and white truth thing again, because it's also power. Like, there's so many layers, but like, you know, ultimately, like this truth that we're looking for. We could just be digging and digging and digging. But then Knowledge is power. Like if you know yourself, that's power, because in any given situation, you can show up and just be like, well, you know, here I am, take it or leave it. And that's power. So I don't know. No one knows.

Kelly Tatham 35:57

No one knows. And we're all seeking recognition. We all want to be witnessed. We want to know ourselves. I think that's an intrinsic human thing. And then how do you know yourself? How do you know what you want? Because part of knowing yourself is, is knowing where you're going or having an idea of what you're leaning into. And how do we know this because there's just so much that is put on us. And I've been thinking about the Barbie movie a lot. And these concepts of pink and blue like this duality, these constructs, like I think the pink can also be seen as the red and you know, we know the red and the blue pill in the matrix. You know, it's like very much this like, dualistic paradigm of these two energies. And it's just been, you know, speaking about the vortal and the energies of what's happening, I've been feeling this integration. And like, even just, you know, everybody's talking about the Barbie movie, but like, I think that's so interesting that everyone's talking about it. Because like, even if you're not aware that you're talking about this masculine feminine duality, like you can't talk about that, this cultural device, without touching on the depths of everything really.

Molly Jane 37:15

I know. It was such a good movie. I really enjoyed it. Yeah, it did. I'd love to watch it again. And probably another two times to really just see it from a few different layers. But you're right. You. Yeah, I did read your article on that. It was really, really good. And I think you should put these on LinkedIn. If you're not already.

Kelly Tatham 37:38

I'm been thinking about -- Thank you for that reminder. Yeah, yeah,

Molly Jane 37:41

I don't know, when I was walking, I was like, I need to tell her to start putting these on LinkedIn. Because I know a lot of writers who have been putting their work on LinkedIn and getting so much work from it.

Kelly Tatham 37:50

Wow. Okay, cool. Yeah. I will do that. LinkedIn, I deleted it a little while ago, because I was like, I'm an artist. I don't need LinkedIn. And one of my clients was like, Are you on LinkedIn? I was like, Ugh, I'll get back on there.

Molly Jane 38:04

And isn't that so annoying? Like social media in itself. Like, even me, I was like, Oh, I'm like, if I don't get on and putting a little bank deposit of like me on social media, like, I don't sell stuff, you know? So it's like, you know, it's, it's interesting. It's funny that social media well, but it's that perspective as well. That's me being negative about it, when I could see it is just like, what's an opportunity to connect with people and blah, blah, blah, like it's, you know, again, choosing something and then making the most of it.

Kelly Tatham 38:36

Mm hmm. Absolutely. Oh, so how's Venice these days, how's -- I saw you there about a month ago, we connected in Venice. So Molly, Molly and I, we met in Guatemala. And I was just reflecting it's so funny, because after I saw you that day, I went and met with some other friends who had met in Guatemala years previous.

Molly Jane 38:59

That's crazy.

Kelly Tatham 39:00

Guess who, later today, I got a call from my friend Syn who I met in Guatemala a couple of weeks I met you. We're connecting in Vancouver. She just happens to be here. So we're meeting this afternoon. I'm like, every time --

Molly Jane 39:10

That's so craazy. Honestly, Guatemala, like, this is what I mean about portals or whatever. I feel -- well, this is grid work, right? There's certain areas of the grid that you get attracted to that you need energetic blueprint -- because it's all about energetic blueprint and upgrading your DNA with certain light, right. And then on the grid, on the planet, it's broken up into little grid squares. There's certain grids that hold a different frequency that you can go to, to give your body a certain energetic blueprint upgrade through the light or whatever or the sun gives you upgrades or energy healings or food or interactions with people. So when you get called to go to a place, you receive this energetic upgrade and blueprint upgrade from there and then everyone kind of spurts out and like then gives the upgrades to wherever. But this is constantly happening on such a large scale that our brains don't even realize. So the fact-- it's actually funny. I remember them meditation that I had in Guatemal, because I have real vivid meditations, and I remembered the natives of the land. I could see them giving me something and so I wonder if like that was happening to a lot of people, but like people just don't know realize because I'm just visual in meditation but maybe when you're sleeping, you weere receiving code from like the natives of the land or whatever but anyways.

Kelly Tatham 40:43

I felt that. I felt like because I was there for five weeks this time. Four weeks was in Antigua, where we met, and so I'd never spent that long, like, I rarely spend that long in a place, you know, that's a big committment. And I felt that, especially after I've visited Volcan Pacaya -- I don't know if you climbed that one.

Molly Jane 41:02

No, my brother did though. It looked so good.

Kelly Tatham 41:04

Yeah. So it's about an hour or two outside of Antigua and it's a pretty straightforward hike but it's an active volcano and, like, people are roasting marshmallows and like --

Molly Jane 41:13

No, I did do that one. Yeah! So cool.

Kelly Tatham 41:17

And I felt, like, I came back down. I had this wild dream and I felt so activated and I worked on my book outline for like 18 hours straight. And like I had. And other times being there, I would do a bit of yoga and sometimes smoke some cannabis and I just feel so deeply tapped into the energy there. And not in a way where I'm like seeing other people or entities. For me, it's just this embodied feeling. And I've experienced that in Los Angeles too. And like I almost I felt like I tapped it, like, at one point in Los Angeles, I felt it, I tapped into that energy. And I know because when I write, it's different, like it comes out differently. Sometimes I'll write and I'm like, this is just, it's just words coming out and they make sense, because I know how to do this. But then like, other times, I'm in this flow, and it's just such a different cadence. And in Guatemala it came out so differently, and I feel like it's a special place for me individually, but I feel like it's just a special place for anyone because of the energetic dynamics of that grid or whatever, whatever it is.

Molly Jane 42:23

Hectic, the most hectic grid. And it's funny because I had that meditation after I climbed that mountain.

Kelly Tatham 42:30

Hmm, whoa.

Molly Jane 42:31

That same one that you did and I remember, I felt like I was high when I got off like -- my vibration was like {electric noises}. And then the last night before Sam and I left my because I was with my brother, we, there was a big earthquake. Were you there for the earthquake?

Kelly Tatham 42:46

I was there for the earthquake. Yeah.

Molly Jane 42:47

And it was huge, like we got woken up. I was like, What the hell. The grid there is a electric. Electric. So and it's funny in Venice, I feel like there's a pocket in Venice that has a very similar grid. Same same but different but electric. And I guess this is why I'm always drawn to Venice, always drawn to Venice, and there is a lot of creatives in Venice. If I go more in land, I don't feel the same vibe. But so it's interesting, but everyone's different. Again, like, you know, you know, where you're drawn to, you know, where you feel alive. I was in Dubai, I felt like there was zero electricity there. Zero. I was like, why am I so flat, like, I just feel like, bleh, and even me, the Oracle energy person of the world who has an abundance of energy, I had to work harder, in order to generate electricity in my body in order to feel something -- anything. And if I didn't do that, I would have been very easily just sucked into whatever the vibe was of Dubai, in that moment. And I think that's an important thing to note to people who are watching. If you're in a place where you just feel like bleh, you have to work harder to generate some sort of electricity or energy in your body. Otherwise, you're just going to be a victim to falling to whatever the energies are of the collective in that space.

Kelly Tatham 44:19

Mm hmm. What tools do you offer to beginners, when they're when they're beginning that journey?

Molly Jane 44:26

Breath. A lot of breathwork like, oh, just do Breath of Fire. That's what I was essentially doing, like three minutes of breath of fire to get this chi and this energy, just like working through my body. I did a bit of Kundalini. I did a bit of somatic dancing as well. Just like -- breath for me. That was the biggest thing.

Kelly Tatham 44:54

That yeah, 100% I love, Yes. Because we that same we connected on when we met, do we connect about Kundalini right away?

Molly Jane 45:03


Kelly Tatham 45:03

And so my friend that I'm meeting this afternoon was teaching Kundalini yoga on the lake.

Molly Jane 45:09

That is so funny.

Kelly Tatham 45:12

Yeah, I met both of you back to back and she -- her lineage is, I believe she's from Bangladesh, her family. And so she's a brown woman and it was really nice to connect with her over Kundalini because, as you know, my journey with Kundalini has been a bit challenged in that I accessed it through people who were maybe culturally -- not maybe, they were culturally appropriating Sikhism and selling capitalism, but also sharing these really important tools, these really dynamic energetic tools, but -- I met a medicine woman earlier this year and she just basically yelled at me like, You have to do Breath of Fire every day and burn this sage; here take the stage. And I'd stopped burning sage because I was like I'm a white woman, I can't do this. And like Breath of Fire is like, oh, it's tough -- I don't exactly know how to access yoga because blah, blah, blah. And this Indigenous medicine one will just like do breath of fire and burn sage, for fuck's sake, woman. Take care of yourself, you want to help people? Help yourself, like, get out of the way.

Molly Jane 46:13

Totally, totally, totally. I know. And it's hard, but you like, it is hard when people put taints on things. It is. It's hard and, you know, but all we can do is continuously show up as ourselves in our most authentic way that is balanced and not ego driven or cult-like. And, you know, it's just having all the different things for the toolbox. And they're, you know, you know what works for you. But yeah, I'm with you, I'm glad you are back on the sage and Breath of Fire train.

Kelly Tatham 46:57

It's a good place to be.

Molly Jane 46:59

It's a great place to be. Honestly, three minutes of Breath of Fire every day. It's so good. But if you ever want to just like get like frickin crazy, 11 minutes of Breath of Fire. Delicious.

Kelly Tatham 47:13

Total game changer. Total game changer! And like, what a democratic tool that like, it all just comes back to our breath. Everyone has access to their breath, even if it's just deepening your breath. Bringing more intention to your breath, something I do is picture a grounding cord into the earth. And you know, just like releasing, like through the exhale, like all the junk, just like the Earth can hold it. You know, she's here for me, the mountains can hold it the earth, you know the ocean, and just like letting it flow through and like we all have this access. And for me, it's like, like we're talking about like being okay with what's happening in the moment accepting your choices like I'm going to do this thing so I'm going to do it fully. I'm going to be tapped in, centered, and I have my breath always to come back to.

Molly Jane 48:02

Totally 100% Yeah breath and and that really goes back to as well like chi just cultivating your own Chi energy within yourself and making sure that's always flowing and moving and there's no blockages because when you, I feel like when you have no blockages in your system and you're cultivating the Chi throughout your body, you are more sovereign. You're more sovereign because it's your flow. It's no one else's.

Kelly Tatham 48:33

Mmm and we have to be sovereign to show up for the collective, like, we have to have our --

Molly Jane 48:39

That's right. Age of Aquarius. Sovereign in community.

Kelly Tatham 48:46

So what's next, what's coming for us, because we're learning to be grounded, we're learning to follow the flow, just being human, like, the sacredness, the spirituality of being human. Like, what is coming for us in the world?

Molly Jane 48:59

All right let me see. What's coming for the world? There is a lot of change coming, there is a lot of change coming. There's a lot of this -- goes from like now until like 2026, is what I can see. And it's like, I can see water crashing, I can see earthquakes. And, you know, but it's nothing to be fearful of, it's just Earth shifting densities, you know, it's just the same way we internally are clearing stuff from our system, that's the same way the earth is doing it, too. So this is why it's super important for us to be able to find our space in the tornado like you have, because the tornado is going to keep going. And this is sovereignty, the world outside of you is never going to stop, the world outside of you is not all going to just be put into place. And this is right, this is right. And this is right. And this is right. Nothing outside of you is going to fill a void within you. And it might be a little void for a little bit, but then the circumstances are going to change again. So the most important thing that we can do as humans is find our centered space in the tornado, but then be accepting and okay that sometimes we're gonna get sucked into the tornado every now and then. And that's also okay too, because we've got the tools and we've got the awareness to get back to the center of it, you know, we know. We can't expect to just be sitting in the tornado and be like, [laughs dramatically], we have to like, accept that sometimes the tornado is gonna suck you in and then but we're all of a sudden gonna be like, Oh my God, this tornado just sucked me in. What do I need to do? And then it doesn't take too long to get back. It's a dance. It's a dance, you know? So allow the outside world to do whatever it needs to do. Practice the dance and coming back to the center. And then remember to have fun.

Kelly Tatham 49:45

Fun being the key. What would you say that people who are, who've made their life's work or their advocacy around trying to change the outside world like working in politics or activism, you know, fighting that very, very moral good fight, and yet it's feeling more and more hopeless and more and more -- I know a lot of people right now who are looking at the heat rising and looking at the stagnation of our political systems and have no hope.

Molly Jane 51:46

What everyone -- we need desire, right. We're humans, we need a desire for change. That's part of the soul evolution and the growth and all of that. We need all that and again it comes down to the truth not being black or white it's more whole. And what is someone else's purpose and what's another person's purpose, like, they know in their bones what their purpose is, right. But to help with the feeling of helplessness, they have to get to a space within themselves where they're actively embodying 100% what it is they want to change in the world or what it is that they want to do, like they're living in their 100% truth, not in their hero complex of "I'm doing this to try and be a better human" like if you're up actually embodying this fully then that's when the shifts in your world vibrationally actually start to take form. Even though yes there is outside thing is that we need to fight for in order to get changed and things like that, but essentially it all starts with you. Always. So when you embody it aand when you're not doing it just to be the nice guy or the hero or whatever --you actually believe it with every single cell in your being. That's when your environment will just naturally start to shift. It's like when you start doing your healing for yourself and then all of a sudden you start to see your family starting to like shift and their perspective starting to shift. Without even saying a word. Just vibrationally that just starts to happen anyway. So I think the same thing can be applied.

Kelly Tatham 53:31

Ah, I hear you. I hear you: embodiment. Fully embodying. I think often of this story -- I was out at Fairy Creek, documenting on the front lines. This is a place where there's this beautiful old growth forests that are being logged for profit and there was a large group of people out there trying to stop that and one day I was at the media tent at the camp and it was just a mess, like, it was dirty and everyone was stressed out and I was just like trying to get all this work done. Which also seemed futile because you're like sending these missives out into the world like, "This is bad it's like what's happening" and you're like, I'm not getting anything. My friend was like, Can we go down to the river aand take a break? And I was like, you know, the ego was like, "No" we have to keep working and dah da da, like hero complex, "We got to save everything" and then the smarter part of me was like, yeah let's go to the river and take a break. We go down to the river and just like have a really beautiful relaxing time and we come back up and someone had reorganized the whole media center. They'd set up a table and cleaned up all the cords and it was just like a beautiful space to be in. And I was like, What? This whole reality shifted when I took a break.

Molly Jane 54:45

Yeah. Yeah.

Kelly Tatham 54:46

And I've been thinking like part of my my tornado, vortal shifting paradigm of the past week has been like clicking into like what are my priorities. And, like, yes I have all of these beautiful impulses to talk about this and do that and learn about up this and advocate for that. But where where am I being embodied and what's present? I want to live -- I want to grow my own food. I want to have that space and I want to have the sovereignty of clean water and access to nutrition and so how does, What does that look like for me in my day to day, and when I focus on that, what falls away? Because all of a sudden, like your interaction with time changes, like the density of time. Density is so interesting to me, like, you talk about things mattering or not mattering. It's like matter: density. You know, like, my changing experience of time has been like this sort of density in like, a focus on what needs to be focused on and then everything else is just kind of, like ephemeral and like, oh, I don't, that's not important. And yeah, so thank you for all of these reflections.

Molly Jane 56:01

What a beautiful space to get to, you know, and it goes back to the words that my favorite word of the week, is it an energetic liability? And if it is, it's going away, goodbye. I just don't have time, when you know who you are in your core and when you know what your purpose is, and what you want to do here, and I know my highest self is in my Oracle. And like, when I'm clear, that's going to just be better for everyone on the planet. So if I'm going to have anything that steps in the way of that, it's gone. And then it's funny, oh, God, we could talk for five years. You know, I was thinking like, then it's that thing is like, "Am I being selfish?" and blah, blah, blah, but it's not. You have to come back to -- me being able to show up as my fully best self, that's the best thing for everybody else. And that's not selfish. That's not selfish. That is not selfish. It's selfish if you're, like, cutting off one limb to try and help somebody else who doesn't really want to be -- like, you know, it's kind of like it's all backwards and icky. I don't want any icky energy. No icky energy. No.

Kelly Tatham 57:20

And a lot of that martyrdom that here, like, that is icky. And I've seen that, yeah. I've experienced that, you know, you try to help from this place of martyrdom, you're not helping anybody.

Molly Jane 57:31

And we all do it. We've all done it right. And I just am so clear. Now I know what's icky. And I know what's not like, you know, I had a friend who I know, it's been a little bit icky for a little bit. And, you know, you just know when a chapter is coming to an end, right, and we've been friends for a really long time, and I could feel the ickiness and I kind of ignored the ickiness for a while. And, you know, I was like the universe is gonna blow this up one way or another soon. And sure enough, it did. And I was just like, Yeah, I just can't like, and I'm so blessed and lucky that my commitment to non ickiness, the universe reflects that back to me now. And the more you do it, the more you embody it, the more supported you feel.

Kelly Tatham 58:16

And the easier it gets, because you have these experiences, and you have these embodied experience where you're like, oh, yeah, that worked out -- and I trusted that, like, when I had that feeling, I trusted that. And that worked out and it showed me like, clearly.

Molly Jane 58:29

So clear.

Kelly Tatham 58:29

Mm hmm. So this is part of what you do in your Oracle sessions for people. And you've also started The Mothership, which I am a part of, and I'm so grateful for because I personally yearn so much for community. And I've been really excited to be finding more community in person, but also these online spaces because we're living online and we're accessing tools online. And The Mothership has tarot insights, Kundalini classes, which was so stoked on, your regular channeled meditations and all sorts of other fun things, and it's so affordable to -- you really made it accessible for people, which thank you so much for creating this space and allowing people to tap into it without breaking the bank.

Molly Jane 59:15

Yeah, I'm happy with it, too. And it's -- so my work previous to this, I owned meditation apps. So I've built communities before. And, so I've had a couple of like, practices and now this is my thing. And I know it doesn't have to be expensive. If people want to jump on, they can like. I don't want to -- the last two businesses I did, it was like, "I've got to keep striving and be in my masculine" and blah, blah, blah, and I just cannot be fucked with that anymore. I just can't. It's just, I'm done. So I'm like, if you want to join, join, if not, don't worry about it, you know, and so I kept the price point low, you know, and it's always flowing, like I'm meeting all these new people. And you know, I've got different people lined up, but it's not like a strict thing, but it's just alignment. It's a very aligned community and I let it move the way it needs to move. So yeah, it's awesome. And I can't wait to have you in there to do the Tarot workshop.

Kelly Tatham 1:00:17

Yeah, I'm so excited to take it for a trial run. The official date of the workshop is the Lions Gate on August 8, but we're going to we're going to do a fun little trial in The Mothership beforehand, which is going to be really great. I've been really having fun feeling into what I'm sharing, and how I want to present it. And it's like, it keeps surprising me which is really cool. And yeah, that's been part of my growth this past little while is like the tarot just brings me so much joy. Like it's an infinite treasure hunt. And like, I just I love it and like it keeps connecting dots but there's been like some, like guilt around it. Like, "is this really what I should be doing?" And like also, because I've had so many challenging experiences with spirituality, like, I don't want to be just another person who's like selling like, I can't that's not how I'm not capable of showing up that way. I try and like it just doesn't work.

Molly Jane 1:01:16

It doesn't feel right it. You're doing really well. You're doing really well.

Kelly Tatham 1:01:20

Thank you. And it's interesting, the portal. So I just want to say this because I'm in Vancouver right now, Coast Salish territory. And we have these this mountain range, this beautiful mountain range and there's two -- people call it the two lions and the bridge from downtown to the North Shore is called Lions Gate. Lions Gate Bridge. Yeah. But what's interesting is that I've heard an Indigenous woman, like a local one of the host nations, talk about the so-called Lions in the mountain and she's like, well, we refer to them as the two sisters. And she's like, you know, we can you know, we can call them Leo's, you know, like, meet in the middle. And that's really interesting to me and especially, What's that?

Molly Jane 1:02:08

And you're there.

Kelly Tatham 1:02:08

Mhmm. And lions are such an interesting symbol, like, we see them -- everyone seen them guarding banks, guarding homes like especially like in that kind of sphinx position with the hand over the globe. It's a very, very powerful and it's Strength, right, Key 8 or 11 depending on like that little vortex in the tarot of the two major arcana where you're like, Ooh which number is it. But Strength or Lust is the woman holding the lion's mouth open, just like with the gentleness and grace and the lion is our -- us overcoming our animal nature and being self actualized and being the human but like with the mental awareness to navigate.

Molly Jane 1:02:52

That felt so nice on my body when you were saying that. And which is essentially if we go back to the Tarot, that like, I kind of how I interpreted it, of how this was gonna go, it was like overcoming your own inner battles. And then that's kind of how we're ending the whole conversation with the strength tarot card, the Lions Gate, holding it with grace, and overcoming and just like, and this is what I hope people can take out of this conversation that we've had today is just like full acceptance of self, in all forms. However, that looks -- the good, the bad, the ugly -- acceptance of your decisions, acceptance of all of that and just kind of dancing the dance and finding your way back to the center of the the tornado.

Kelly Tatham 1:03:40

Yes, yes. If you're are listening right now we're dancing. There's some swaying going on. Just vibing out. You gotta throw some dance parties on the mothership.

Molly Jane 1:03:57

Right. I know. I know. I did do one there was a somatic dance one with Lina. That was really cool. But ya know, I definitely got to do a dance. Of course I'm going to do a dance party. That's a great idea.

Kelly Tatham 1:04:13

They did that within the yoga community I was in -- they would host dance parties every once in a while for the online community and it's actually really sweet, you know?

Molly Jane 1:04:23

Yeah. Like, that's so on brand for me. So thank you for that.

Kelly Tatham 1:04:26

Oh, my pleasure. Well, thank you for being here. So nice to share space with you and chat about all this and and I love, every time we connect I always walk away just feeling like bubbly and bright and you're just such a joyful spirit and you're just spreading so much love on the planet so I'm so grateful to know you.

Molly Jane 1:04:44

Thank you for the chat and, yeah, it was -- if anyone has any questions about anything feel free to reach out to both of us, but love it.

Kelly Tatham 1:04:51

Yeah. You're @mollyjane on it Instagram.

Molly Jane 1:04:54

Ya Molly Jane on Instagram. You can see what I'm about, what I do, or you don't have to. It's all good. We're good either way.

Kelly Tatham 1:05:04

You know the people who are meant for you are finding you and I love the breezienss, it's something I'm taking I'm learning through you.

Molly Jane 1:05:12

Yeah. Well, we can't miss what's for us.

Kelly Tatham 1:05:14

Yeah, there's so much grasping and that's what causes the suffering, right.

Molly Jane 1:05:19

Oh, I'm tired, I'm tired of that. Like I'm tired of that. I just -- no longer.

Kelly Tatham 1:05:26


Molly Jane 1:05:27

No, goodbye. Thank you, you my love.

Kelly Tatham 1:05:34

Thank you!. Recording stopped.

Love and the Multiverse
Love and the Multiverse
Deciphering love, and the story of the world